March 15, 2018
From: Colin Tan
To: SIT Division of Estate
Cc: Brad Blackstone
Subject: Proposal for Implementing Pervious Concrete Along Sheltered Walkways in SIT@Dover
Dear Sir/Mdm,
I am Colin Tan, on behalf of SIT FC, a year one student from Civil Engineering programme at Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). I was assigned to a project group with three other students by our lecturer Mr Brad Blackstone to identify, study and solve a civil engineering problem in Singapore. With that in mind, the team has decided to investigate the issue of slip and falls in the SIT@Dover campus due to the slippery and prone to “ponding” walkways and find a reasonable solution to this problem to ensure the safety of the campus population.
Attached is our proposal to achieve the aforementioned goal. This report contains the current implementation of the situation and its probable causes, our investigation of the situation through surveys and also our proposed solution to solve the situation with technical details and comparisons.
Do let us know should you require additional information with regards to the proposal and we will gladly provide the information. Thank you for your consideration and we hope to hear from you soon.
Best regards,
Colin Tan
Civil Engineering
Singapore Institute of Technology
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